Guinea pig losing weight.- he's gone.

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Guinea pig losing weight.- he's gone.

Post by Halfpenny »

Nookie, a 6 year old Guinea pig we have had for about 4 years has been losing weight for months now, he is also drinking large amounts of water. He has been x-rayed, scanned and a urine sample was sent off for analysis, the vets did try to blood sample but were not successful. Nothing showed up, other than bladder crystals, which the vets did not think was the cause of the weight loss. The urine sample did not indicate kidney failure or diabetes, which were my concerns. His teet were perfect.
Anyway he has a very keen appetite and I have been giving lots of veg, ad lib hay and pellets. Yesterday and today he seemed to be less keen for food, I'm not sure if his teeth are an issue and will get him in to be checked tomorrow but I am concerned he is in kidney failure, every morning my first check is him as I expect to find him gone, although he is bright and alert and they all start speaking as soon as the light goes on.
Any ideas as to what the problem could be, I am aware it could also be a tumour somewhere and there is little we can do, but I just wondered if anybody had any ideas?
Last edited by Halfpenny on 06 Jan 2013 09:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Ceri »

I have no idea and have no GP experience - just wanted to say thank you for helping him and vibes to Nookie. Hugs to you too - hope he improves.
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Halfpenny »

I posted this on the guinea pig forum too, and Rodneyvet, who also posts on RU, responded. He was very helpful and advised we must get a blood test and as well as testing general bloods we should consider hyperthyroidism as guinea pigs can suffer from it. I got Nookie in today, showed my vet a paper I found online by 3 other vets describing it, showed a video of Rodneyvet blood sampling a piggy and told the vet he had advised testing for it.
The vet was a bit overwhelmed by my nagging but agreed we should try as he doesn't have long left at the moment.
The results have to be sent off but at least we are trying and or treatment can start to have a beneficial effect within 24- 48 hours.
If it doesn't help Nookie it may help others.
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Halfpenny »

Nookie's blood results do not look like he is hyperthyroid, it also doesn't look like kidney failur or diabetes- his white blood cells were high though. The vet thinks we are either looking at lymphoma or a chronic infection, Nookie is now 600 gms compared to 1000 when he was well, he is still very bright though and the vet doesn't feel it's time to PTS. He was started on steroids and 2 types of antibiotics on the 31st, his apetite was dropping off and sadly did not pick up with steroids. I did notice he has lost a lower incisor and I feel for the last few days he has been in pain and was starting diarrhoea yesterday but i gave him fibreplex and he is better today. The vet has clipped his tooth, he us now on gut stimulants, 2 antibiotics, vitamin B, steroids and pain relief. The vet has given me more injections for tomorrow and I can take him back tomorrow night, if I want, when we take Tiny Tim, the disabled cockerel for an assessment.
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

Sending loads of vibes for him, with his white blood cell count being high it sounds like it could be a tumour :(
Mrs. Bunnykins
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Mrs. Bunnykins »

Thinking of Nookie at this upsetting time. Come on little piggy. xxxxxx
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.

Post by Halfpenny »

Sadly, Nookie passed away overnight.
He was such a happy, friendly wee chap and will be sorely missed by us and his friend Incy. I really thought we might be able to fix him. He put up such a fight. :cry:
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.- he's gone.

Post by sdf76 »

so sorry to hear that Nookie didn't make it :( You did all you could for him.
sue xx
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.- he's gone.

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

So sorry Nookie has gone :(
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Re: Guinea pig losing weight.- he's gone.

Post by hurricanhoney »

So sorry :(
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