Myxi outbreak

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Location: gloucestershire

Myxi outbreak

Post by sdf76 »

following on from the RWAF notice of a myxi outbreak in Leeds & Barnsley in April this year

Just letting you know that vets in [Gloucester have had some pet rabbit deaths recently due to myxomatosis. :( (These were unvaccinated rabbits)
Unfortunately warm weather and lots of rain means breeding of lots more mosquitos and other biting insects. :( (Indoor rabbits are not immune either as insects can of course come in through doorways and windows).
For any members in Gloucestershire that have not yet got their rabbits vaccinated I would suggest the sooner the better.
Even vaccinated rabbits can get a form of myxi called nodular myxi. My rabbit Chelsea had this and was ill for nearly 4 months but survived with good vet care and home nursing. The prognosis for a vaccinated rabbit is generally good and while most cases clear up after a few weeks some (like mine) go on much longer, (and of course sadly, some do not make it.)
The first thing I noticed was a little red lump near Chelsea's nose. I sent a photo to my daughter (bunlover) who said get her to the vet- that's myxi!I However the first vet said it couldn't be myxi (because she had been vaccinated). Bunlover said -take her for a second opinion-that's myxi! I did next day, and the second vet confirmed that it was indeed myxi- but a nodular type that vaccinated rabbits get.. After a few days with lumps appearing on her skin it was clear that it was indeed nodular myxi. She eventually had 50 lumps all over her and one lump scarred the tearduct so she had to have her eye bathed daily after that. She was 9yrs at the time she caught myxi, and lived a further 2 and a half happy years :) , but she would not have survived without vaccination.
So in addition to vaccination- take notice of any unusual lumps on your bunny.
sue :)
Please add to this thread if you have confirmed reports of myxi outbreaks elsewhere in UK.
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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