Welfare Concerns

Binky time, chat about bunnies and their ways.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2011 01:02

Welfare Concerns

Post by RWAF »

Today we had planned to share Compassion in World Farming's appeal for help to stop plans for a rabbit farm going ahead, but we see that plans have been withdrawn :) Hooray! We still thought it was worth mentioning it and encouraging you to 'like' Compassion in World Farming's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/farm.animals?fref=ts

Rabbits are under threat in other ways, perhaps you could take a moment to sign this petition to help save the sales ban on animal-tested cosmetics in the EU.
https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/A ... q4.app305b
Remember that it is easy to buy cosmetics and household products that have not been tested on rabbits (or any animals). Look for the BUAV (Leaping Bunny) or Nature Watch logos. M&S, Superdrug, Co-op and Barry M, for example, all produce cruelty free products.
A hutch is not enough
Join us - http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/join/index.php
Reg Charity 1085689
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