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Beloved Rabbits August/September Update

Posted: 24 Oct 2023 16:36
by fb_x
Over August and September, we took in 20 surrendered rabbits, saw 33 hop off to adoptive homes and unfortunately received 72 new waiting list requests for over 110 rabbits.

As we gear up for winter, typically a challenging period in the rescue with higher vet bills and an increased incidence of rabbit health issues, the team have been focussed on ideas and planning for our winter fundraising campaign. We will be doing lots of fundraising activity between now and the end of March to cope with the anticipated rise in costs.

Our Adoption and Social Media team are also working on promoting our bonded pairs and groups to encourage adopters to consider them, as we have a higher demand for single rabbits from people looking to adopt a buddy for their existing rabbit. We hope by doing this that we can find homes for some of our very deserving bonded bunnies like the tennis trio - Li Na, Shuai and Djokovic - and the other pairs/groups in our care.
Image395412078_3532447783686587_4758140049344859859_n by Sue Gibson, on Flickr
Image395404475_710562937199067_8644915901080744259_n by Sue Gibson, on Flickr