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Beloved Rabbits June/July Update

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 12:47
by fb_x
Apologies for the delayed June/July update, we've had limited volunteer capacity over the summer. In June we had 2 rabbits surrendered, 12 adopted and 36 new additions to the waiting list. In July we had 8 surrenders, 10 buns adopted and sadly requests to rehome an additional 64 new rabbits.

Due to the demand for rehoming and the huge pressures we're under for space, we have been looking at alternative ways to address this, and have implemented a Rehoming Support Team to provide support. This team will work proactively with owners to explore various options to address their rabbits' needs, and a number of volunteer opportunities have been listed on our website.

We hope this will go a long way towards combatting the overwhelming demand and allowing us to help more rabbits, and minimise the chance of being in a similar situation we have been for the past couple of months, where we've only been able to take in a tiny number of rabbits due to the large intake of 40+ rabbits from the case we dealt with recently and mentioned in a previous update.

The case involved several litters, which has been challenging for us as they age and we have to find new spaces to split them into same sex groups. These bunnies badly needed help but unfortunately the knock on effect is we haven't had space to accommodate new intakes, in particular the other urgent cases we are aware of on our wait list.

On a positive note, we were invited to participate in the SSPCA Glasgow Fun Day Sunday on 9th July, where we were able to reach out to potential volunteers and raise general awareness of the charity amongst members of the public. This was an excellent opportunity for us to develop a working relationship with SSPCA, and we hope to be able to develop this further.