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Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:36
by sdf76
Owen is gorgeous :x
I'm pleased to hear you have been managing to access the necessary vet treatments for all the poorly buns and get medications. :)
Yes it's important to check for flystrike in the summer with the hot weather. :)
sue :)

Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 29 Jul 2020 13:10
by Camp Nibble
July update:

We're sad to have just lost Mr Bean one of our very brave little bunnies. He was a friendly lop at least 8 years old. He had passed through at least two homes before joining us here at around 6 years old.

He had advanced dental disease, chronic ear infections, and a one-sided facial paralysis (often linked to ear issues in lops). As can often be the case with rabbits with dental disease is was sadly also prone to infections (snuffles and sore eyes)

Having arrived as a un-neutered single rabbit it was lovely to get him very happily settled (post-neuter) with a group of special needs companions.

He was always on the small side weight wise but was such a strong little bunny. He bumbled along so well with all of his complicated issues. Last year he had needed a lateral wall resection of one ear. This is a complicated and pretty big operation for a bunny with so many health issues. However, he came through so well and the operation has really helped in managing his ear infection. A real little sweetheart he'll be very much missed.

It never gets any easier to lose our long term residents having been through so much with them. We have to focus on the only positive which I guess is that it means we can help another bunny in need (as we are always at full capacity.) We're just making arrangements for a bunny who has been abandoned at a vet practice to join us. He's 9 years old and entire so we assume has spent a lifetime on his own.


Our sanctuary bunny of the month for July is Bun Jovi:

Bun Jovi is a handsome little dutch who was handed into a vet practice as a stray.
X-rays revealed that he has old breaks to his pelvis which have healed without treatment. His mobility is being monitored. Although, he is currently managing well his injuries are likely to cause him more issues as he ages.
Bun Jovi is a cute, confident little guy with lots of character. Although, he is one to give unpredictable bites so beware. He is especially cheeky and naughty during his vet check ups! Bun Jovi can be very rabbit aggressive and so isn't suitable for group living. However, he has happily turned out to be the perfect husband to one of our sanctuary dental bunnies who was also very much struggling to make friends.


Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 16:32
by Camp Nibble
August update:

Its been a relief this month to be able to get some none-emergency procedures out of the way which our bunnies had been waiting so patiently for all through lock down. We've been able to get three of our special needs bunnies safely through neutering, and are very excited to hopefully be able to get them all settled finally with companions very soon. We suspect that they will have all lived alone before joining us, one of them for over 9 years! Therefore, it will be wonderful to see them enjoying bunny company. Little nethie Godzilla had been waiting to be neutered, and for his troublesome incisors to be removed. That's a lot of surgery for a tiny bunny, but after a few days feeling quite sorry for himself he now seems to be bouncing back really well.

We've of course been following Rabbit Awareness Week again this year and have made a short video to summarise this year's theme: ... e=emb_logo

Our sanctuary bunny of the month for August is the gorgeous Pickle Rick:

Pickle Rick is a very handsome cross breed born in 2011. He has joined us in need of rescue support at 9 years old after being handed in to a vet practice. He has a very obvious deformity to one of his front legs, which is bent at a severe angle. This means he uses his elbow (do bunnies have elbows!?) to walk on rather than his foot. This is not a new injury and may be a deformity that he was born with.

We are guessing that Pickle Rick might have lived alone so far as he joined us un-neutered. Now safely through his neutering operation (with a very abnormal possibly cancerous testicle now removed) we are very much hoping to safely bond him finally to a new friend/s.


Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 26 Sep 2020 14:51
by Camp Nibble
September Update:

Its been so lovely this month to be able to get our bunnies (who waited so patiently for months due to lockdown) neutered. Head tilter YouTube is now very happy in his foster home with his new (even wonkier) buddy. It was a love at first sight bro-mance and just beyond adorable to see them lying stretched out together with their heads resting on each others..both tilting the same way! :x Dental bun Godzilla and 9 years old Pickle Rick (who we featured in last month's update) are also both now very happily settled in with two of our sanctuary groups. Its the most satisfying thing seeing bunnies happy with company when we know they've had a lifetime alone.

We've had some sad losses with 10 year old Owen deteriorating very suddenly and needing to be put to sleep, as well as two of our very elderly sanctuary guinea pigs passing away. It never gets any easier losing them. The only comfort I can continue to take is being grateful that they died save and loved, and having the knowledge that it enables us help some new very special animals in need. This last week we have been able to offer spaces to two new bunnies who have been on our waiting list. Dead Pool is a lovely friendly old boy with spinal issues, and Lego a shyer bun suffering with UTI's and a horribly sludgy bladder which we really hope to be able to get under some control with knowledgeable vet care.

Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 27 Sep 2020 13:54
by Foofy
Thank you for the update :) always like to read the Rescues news

Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 20:43
by sdf76
I'm sorry to hear of your loss of Owen and the two elderly guinea pigs :(
Pleased to hear that Godzilla and Pickle Rick have bonded well, and that you have been able to take in 2 special needs bunnies.:)
sue :)

Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:13
by Camp Nibble
Lego bunny who joined us last month so far seems to be responding as well as we could have hoped to a change in diet, and some new friends encouraging him to be a lot more active and to shift a bit of excess timber! He was very messy with thick bladder sludge when he arrived but is currently looking comfortable with no straining and is managing to keeping himself clean.

Dead Pool is proving to be a bit of a horror with other bunnies eek. He's not taken kindly to any of the potential bonding plans we've had for him so far, and has been very bunny aggressive. We're needing to be extra cautious that he doesn't hurt himself getting into any scuffles knowing that he has spinal issues. He's happy enough for the timebeing with a lovely fosterer, but we're hoping the right special bunny for him will turn up soon so he's not on his own for too long.

We've had quite a few new arrivals this month including a very laid back old pudding called who we've called Rick. He's a large 9 year old lop with dental issues who is sadly completely blind. He's a lazy old man, but seems very content and enjoys a bit of fuss. Also, a very adorable mini lop who we've called Stephen King. He was almost certainly abandoned but luckily ended up with a vet practice. He's a little chap, underweight with very little fur at the moment. He has suspected dental issues (although not immediately obvious on examination) as has been dribbling since he was rescued. We are doing our best to keep him comfortable with medication and building him up so that he is in good enough condition for a proper dental exam under anesthetic.

Our sanctuary bunny of the month for October is the handsome Flynn who has just celebrated his 10th birthday :ymparty: :

Flynn is a handsome lop born in 2010. He joined us in need of rescue support at 7 years old due to his owners relocating abroad and him being unable to join them.

This sweet chap is sadly completely blind in both eyes. A likely cause of this would be as a complication from e.cuniculi infection.

As a lop Flynn's hearing also appears to be impaired which leaves him very vulnerable to becoming startled and confused. We are so happy that Flynn has found love here at Camp Nibble. He gets a lot of comfort and support from his sanctuary companions (all with e.c. related health issues) who he loves to groom and snuggle up with.


Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:36
by sdf76
Happy 10th birthday to Flynn your sanctuary bunny :)
Thank you for the update on your rescue. :)
sue :)

Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:47
by Camp Nibble
Little Stephen King bunny is doing so much better than when he joined us last month. It turned out that he did very much need a dental when he was examined under aneasthetic. He had painful spurs digging into his mouth. He'll almost certainly need on-going dentals but we were relieved to have found a cause for all of the dribbling, it was worrying that there might have been something even more serious and maybe not so easily treatable causing it when initially his teeth looked ok on conscious examination. He was successfully neutered at the same time, so we're looking forwards to finding him some friends. Here's a photo of him with an amazing hand-made collection box that a very kind lady has donated to us :)


It's been lovely to pair up old timer Rick who also joined us last month with a new friend having spent so many years on his own. He's our sanctuary bunny of the month:

Rick is a laid-back large lop born in 2012, he has joined us in need of rescue support at nearly nine years old.
Rick has dental disease, and is sadly blind due to cataracts in both eyes. He is showing his age as a more senior bunny, and likes to spend much of days just sat around relaxing. After losing his companion when he was two years old, it's been lovely finding this old boy a companion to guide him around, and to snuggle with in his retirement.


Re: Camp Nibble updates 2020

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 12:48
by sdf76
Lovely to hear the good news of Stephen King and Rick. :)
fabulous photos :x
Super collection box :-bd hope it gets filled :)
Thank you for your update :)
sue :)